Roger Suen's Blog

Coding for a living, and amusement.

ADF - Change Skin at Runtime

For a ADF Faces application, you can configure the skin family for the application in the trinidad-config.xml file. The trinidad-config.xml allows you to define properties using the Expression Language (EL) or static values. The skin-family is one of such properties that accepts EL expression as the value, so that you can enable end users to change the application's ADF skin at runtime by exposing a component that allows them to update the value of the skin-family property.

In the Sample Application, the `trinidad-config.xml" file is configured like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<trinidad-config xmlns="">

Then in the sample page, a selectOneRadio component is provided, allowing end users to switch between the Alta skin and the Skyros skin:

<af:selectOneRadio id="sor1" label="Select Skin" autoSubmit="true"
  <af:selectItem id="si1" label="Alta" value="alta"/>
  <af:selectItem id="si2" label="Skyros" value="skyros"/>

When the end user chooses the skin from the list, the skinFamily property value of the backing bean is updated, and then the valueChangeListener method of the backing bean is called. The method updates the whole view in response to the change of the skin, such that the view is rendered with the selected skin. Here, nothing special. The only interesting part is how to update the whole view properly. Please see the comments for the detail.

public void skinFamilyValueChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) 
throws IOException {
    // ValueChangeEvent is handled in the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase. 
    // Calling refreshPage() will skip the UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES phase 
    // which we need to update skinFamily. We have to queue this event 
    // to the INVOKE_APPLICATION phase.
    if (valueChangeEvent.getPhaseId() != PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION) {

    // refresh the whole view

private void refreshView() {
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String viewId = facesContext.getViewRoot().getViewId();
    ViewHandler viewHandler = facesContext.getApplication().getViewHandler();
    UIViewRoot root = viewHandler.createView(facesContext, viewId);

Chinese Summary:

trinidad-config.xml 配置文件中,可以设置 skin-family 属性的值为 EL 表达式。通过相应的组件可以允许用户在运行时更新该表达式的值,从而动态地选择用应用程序的 ADF 皮肤。

Sample Application:


JDeveloper Build JDEVADF12.

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